Primary Admissions - St Mary's and St John's CE School

Primary Admissions



The deadline for applications will be on Wednesday 15th January 2025

Primary National Offer day: To be confirmed - April 2025

Apply to start Reception in September 2025Primary Admissions Criteria 2025 Entry​Primary Supplementary Information Form 2025

Primary Prospective Parents Tour

To book a tour of our Neale House Campus, please email


Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the SATs results for Primary? Please click here to view our achievement page for more information.

Do students make good progress at SMSJ?

Our ethos here at SMSJ is to support all children to achieve their best from whatever their starting point. We plan all of our lessons to meet the individual needs in the lessons, ensuring all children are challenged. This means that children make excellent progress.

What is your admissions policy?

We welcome applications from families who belong to the Church of England and those who do not. The Admissions Policy ensures access to local families while keeping a balance of children admitted from Foundation (Church) and Community places. Please refer to our Admissions Policy for further details.

My child has a Special Educational Need. Is SMSJ the right place for him/her? Detailed information about our Individual Needs provision can be found in the SEND information report. If a child has an EHCP, parents are welcome to make an appointment with the SENDCO by emailing

What provision is made for students with an ECHP?

We are a large, mainstream school and, as per the Code of Practice 2014, all students receive quality first teaching in every subject. All students on the SEND register have a Personalised Learning Plan and the Individual Needs Department also runs a range of interventions which take place during the school day. The specifics of this provision vary depending on the needs of each student.

What do you do to support students with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, or autism?

Quality First Teaching is the focus of the SMSJ in ensuring outstanding progress for all. Every class teacher is aware of a range of strategies that can work for students with a range of needs. For example, the use of visuals can support key concepts, colour coding key words, visual timetables on whiteboards, and print outs of work for those with slow cognitive processing.

What is your policy on bullying?

We do not tolerate bullying at SMSJ. We have a clear anti-bullying policy and any incidents (of which there are very few) are dealt with promptly and firmly.

What is your uniform policy? Information about our uniform can be found on our website. We firmly enforce our uniform policy and expect students to look smart every day.

What is your approach to behaviour? Our Christian vision underpins our Behaviour Policy. We are firm but fair. In lessons, we prefer to focus on behaviour for learning. This means that all behaviours must be understood by students and teachers with regard to the extent to which they enhance or restrict learning. Passive cooperation does not maximise a students’ potential; our teachers expect full effort and active engagement in every lesson.

Do students get homework?

There is an expectation that students will complete home learning each week. All children are expected to complete some daily reading and parents to respond in their child’s reading record. Children from Years 1 upwards also have spellings to learn as well as a project work.

Is there a student council?

Yes, we have ambassadors which are elected across the school. The members are elected after writing a letter to the Headteacher and then making a speech to their classmates and being voted in. They give us feedback on lessons, topics, playtimes, lunches, school trips and also key subjects.

How will I find out about the progress my child is making?

We feel that working alongside parents is vitally important. In the Early Years we use a programme called Tapestry, where you receive updates and photos of your children’s learning. We encourage you to also post the learning and experiences the children do at home to ensure we are working together.

We host a range of curriculum mornings throughout the year where you can learn about your child’s learning, visit their classroom and also join in with workshops with your child, so you can understand how they are learning in school.

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